
Because Switzerland has reciprocal  tax agreements with the tax authorities in countries all over the world, your money is not "off shore". You can legitimately have shares in the company and benefit from Switzerland's flexible corporate laws. ABC Ltd simply pays cooperation tax in Switzerland and there are multiple and legal ways in which shareholders can remove money from the company.
Fig 1 - briefing Walden to search for the right partner
Fig 2 - negotiate terms and provide routine monitoring

The inventor and Walden Medical define the brief including company preferences. Walden Medical reviews potential MedTech partners (unless instructed to negotiate with sole company), negotiates options and presents options back to the inventor (Fig1). Walden Medical will then negotiate "best terms" with the inventor's choice.

Walden Medical works for our client to ensure a viable, sustainable, and profitable contract is signed (Fig 2): technical collaboration, ownership, royalties, teaching and future auditing of resource assignment s and performance. Walden will continue to deliver performance reports, recommend variance actions, and support the client throughout the contract, as well as negotiate secondary deals and product expansions.