Intellectual property services

Some surgeons and physicians have an innate ability to visualize solutions to problems or see gaps in the product portfolio of companies. Commercial entities regularly reach out to their customer base for ideas and to ask for collaboration in the development and/or teaching of the next generation of products.

Most medical professionals who invent new products and create intellectual property are in full clinical practice so have little time or limited competence to research, patent, and enter into long negotiations on deals with favored companies. They often take what they think is a good package, but fail to see they leave considerable opportunities on the table—how do they secure your rights, and ensure their value is fully compensated?.

The lack of an objective professional negotiator means a potential loss in fair and legitimate earnings ranging from a tens of thousands to millions over the life time of the intellectual property.

Walden Medical solutions

Inventors with new product ideas can commission Walden Medical to support them through the quagmire of identifying and negotiating contracts for ideas, designs, and patents with commercial entities.

Walden Medical provides MedTech experts and business professionals to offer a set of innovation services specially designed around the medical industry:

  • Protect research and invention
  • Patent research (if needed) - own what you invent
  • Protect IP - employer, team, MedTech company
  • Fair compensation for research work by MedTech companies
  • Patenting
  • By inventor (client): Individual or design company
  • Oversee patenting through: Design company or MedTech company

There are a number of benefits of using Walden Medical in such searches and negotiations—namely, objectivity and impartiality to extract the best conditions and value are naturally foremost. However it also enables the inventor to maintain their separate relationship with the licensing company.

Copyright and trademark owners can rely on Walden Medical to draw up contracts that reflect the value and use of their intellectual property. Such contracts will be commensurate with the value generated, but will of course include the "emotional" attachment of working with the licensing company.